Monday, January 23, 2017

So Much More

She stood in front of the mirror, and gently brushed her hair away from her eyes with delicate fingers. The image reflected back to her a distorted image. She saw eyes that weren’t bright enough, skin that wasn’t clear enough, hair that lacked texture and shine, and teeth that needed whitening.  Slowly she turned her body as she kept her eyes carefully trained on each and every curve. What she saw in the reflection spoke to her with critical disappointment…. “You are not enough. You are not strong. You have no beauty.” On and on the reflection ridiculed her worth. What she saw and what she heard was a lie resonating from the very depths of hell.
At every turn, the voices of darkness hurled insults at her. The noise was so great and came from so many directions that it completely drowned out the ever present whispers of her Creator and the Lover of her soul….. “You are beautiful. You are complete in me. You are worth so much more. You are the child of The King.”

Only time and faith could change the voices in her head. With a gentle hand her Savior guided her down paths where the voices sang a different song.... A song that had a beautiful melody with the message...... You are Worth So Much More.

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